the crusty loaf

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To all our customers and friends 


It is with a great deal of sadness mixed with a touch of trepidation and little excitement that I have to inform you that on the 27th July 2024 we will be bringing the curtain down on 51 amazing years of The Crusty Loaf bakery.

We have met so many people over the decades and have enjoyed some great times mixed with some not so good moments (bread strike & Covid in particular) but we sincerely hope that we have, at least in some small way, created some happy memories for everyone.

This decision has not been taken lightly and it's for many different reasons, but the main overriding reason is simply that I no longer want to do it! I have always said that being a baker is a job that you have to want to do because of the unsociable hours and often hot, sweaty, dusty conditions, and I simply don't want to do it anymore.

As many of you will be aware, Mum & Dad, who opened the bakery on the day I was born (16th January 1973), have been suffering ill health for the last couple of years. I have dedicated my life to the bakery, working with them, Trudi and Gary, and I have now reached the point that I would like to step away and dedicate my time to family life for a change, which has very often taken second place to work. A special thanks goes to my wife Sam and my boys Kieran & Jamie. Too many times they have had to miss out because of work, so now it’s time to put that right. I certainly couldn’t have lasted as long as I have without their support, especially Sam who has looked after all the admin for me (which drives me nuts!!)

Probably the most important thing we want to come from this decision, is that we want to spend as much quality time as we can with our parents while we still can, which I don't feel we can truly do whilst concentrating on the business. I don't want this to be a sad occasion or one that people hate me for, although for some it probably will be a loss to them for which I am sorry. But everything has a time when it reaches a natural end and that is where we are right now.

The bakery has given our family the chance to be a part of a fabulous community over the years and allowed myself, Trudi & Gary along with our families, to live in a fantastic area, attend some great schools and grow up with some lovely people, for which we will be eternally grateful.

We have been blessed through the years to have had some fantastic staff both in the shop and the bakery, who without we would not have been able to make it this far. So to anyone who has worked here over time, please know that we are truly grateful for your help in making the bakery such a success and hope that it played a positive part in your life.

Above all though we could not have made it this far without you, our fantastic customers. There have been so, so many people that have grown up with us and indeed have continued coming in with their children, which is amazing. We have had the privilege of meeting so many wonderful people, who have helped make our job so satisfying. Sorry we can no longer be a part of your lives, but we hope that you will remember us as fondly as we will remember all of you.

We will still be here for a few weeks yet and would love to see anyone who would like to come in, even if it's just for a chat and to say farewell. Mum & Dad are only next door to the shop and would love to have a chat with some of their old friends from down the years, so don't be shy and above all don't be sad, I want this to be a decision made for the right reasons rather than be forced on us.

Love to you all️

Ian & Sam, Chris & Jenny, Trudi, Gary and the whole Crusty Loaf gang.